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What If?

View procedures and best practices in case of the following emergencies and situations that can happen on campus.

Shelter in place/Lock-down/Evacuation – Alerts will be received by a RAVE message as will all further instruction. In addition – we will communicate by official University social media, email, websites, public address systems among many others. We emphasize that in many of these situations you may receive a message to Run, Hide or Fight. The premise of this is a national model to empower us to act:

Run: move quickly if you can to an area of safety off campus or just keep going. Help those that might be immobile as you can or let someone know where that person is.

Hide: If running is not an option and danger seems near…hide. Lock yourself in, get low within the room in a corner, turn the lights off, barricade the door – do whatever you can to remain hidden.

Fight: as a last resort when confronted with violence – fight back, take control of the weapon, this is your life and you are empowered to fight back.
You may revert back to one of these from the other – you may fight and then just run; you may be hiding and need to fight; be ready to change, be ready to act, be ready to survive.

What If…